

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Our New Room!!

By now you should have received your letter, especially if you are checking this.  I thought it may be helpful to post a few pictures of our new room for you to show your kids.  

The view from the door to the hallway. 
You can see the door to the bathroom to the right of the bulletin board.

Computer/Listening area and our windows!! (we had none at Fairfield)

A small group table near the door.
Student cubbies.

Group table to the left you can see one of the four 'work stations'

'Teacher time', my desk, leveled readers, and file folder game storage

Play/Sensory area, the door is the 'quiet room', bean bags, trampoline, etc is inside.

See you all Monday between 2:30 and 3:30 at Toll Gate Elementary for meet the teacher.  Our room is F51, turn right coming in the front of the building at the end of that hallway turn right and we are the first room on the right.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


I can't believe it is August again. I hope you have all enjoyed your summer vacations as much as I have. We've been camping in our 1976 RV a few times, spent time in Hocking Hills, many trips to the zoos, parks and libraries, the Irish Festival and the State Fair. Preston is 8 months old, crawling and starting to babble. Emarie is almost 4 and gearing up for pre-school this fall. She keeps asking 'is it fall yet?'. :)

We have been told that we might get in to the new building the week of the 17th. I'm trying not to get nervous about the whole thing....but we had a ton of boxes!

I will be sending out my back 2 school letter with school supplies. This year...just look at your grade level list.. I will only need some baby wipes, clorox/lysol wipes, tissues, baggies (both sizes), and a photo album (even you veterans to my room, your child's albums are getting full) from each of you.

This will also be linked here, calendar, school supplies, my letter, etc, so check back.

Having my materials packed up and out of my hands has made so I haven't worked this summer, which is very weird to me. However, nice because I've gotten a lot of reading done which never happens. I'm going to make a list here of recommended reading, as most of what I read had to do with special needs.

I can't wait to see all of you!

I love our TEAM!

I love our TEAM!
Mrs. Malone, Mrs. Weals, Mrs. Gueth, Mrs. Swain