Soon and very soon all of your IEPs will be due. Three of which we already have in process.... keep your eyes on your home to school logs for reminders of due dates, and meeting date conversation. If I have met with you for an IEP I do not need to see you at conferences.
Third and fourth graders are currently involved in wrapping up alternate assessments. This is a way for them to be assessed by the state in lieu of taking the sit down pencil and paper test. Alternate assessments are made up of more hands on student specific tasks monitored and made by myself. Each year when the assessment page states alternate assessment this is what it is referring to.
Coughing, sneezing, yucks... Each year at this time I send a reminder about illnesses at school. Please bare in mind how dependent your student is on the staff when you are deciding whether or not to send them to school. We work very hard trying to teach them to get a tissue independently when needed and use it correctly. Also, covering mouths and washing hands. Many of the students are very resistant to a lot of this which tells us that aren't expected to do it as often at home. Please help us in these matters to keep all of the students and staff healthy.
Remember school policy is to keep students home 24 hrs AFTER the break of a fever.
Because we have seen a lot of the coughs and sneezes, we're once again running low on tissues, clorox wipes, wet wipes, etc. Please donate what you can.