

Monday, February 15, 2010

Snow, snow, go away!

A snow day here and there is always a pleasant surprise, but this is getting a bit extreme. It looks like our 'normal' routine will have to wait until March to resume.

With all of the snow days and long weekends, it's important to keep your student's routine consistent. Bedtime, wake time, etc all should remain somewhat the same. This makes their transitions back to school much better. Keep a close watch of their diets and activity, as well as necessary medications, etc. All of these factors make them feel much better and function much better at home and at school.

Thank you for your help in this matter! I hope you are all enjoying the snow as much as you can. It's always nice to get notes of what the students do at home, in the snow, etc.. We often ask them questions and that helps a lot!

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I love our TEAM!

I love our TEAM!
Mrs. Malone, Mrs. Weals, Mrs. Gueth, Mrs. Swain