

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Ohio Academic Content Standards Extended

Ohio Academic Content Standards Extended

Did you know that we are now teaching to the Ohio Academic Content Standards Extended?  The Department of Education has came up with a modified curriculum for students with disabilities to follow.  This lines up directly with the regular education Common Core.  It takes each regular standard and gives three tiered standards underneath.

The standards are set up in grade bands.  I am teaching to the K-2 grade band, there is also a 3-5, 6-9 and 10-12 band.  All of these standards are available for your reading pleasure on the ODE's website.  

How this is presented in the classroom: 

-The "I can" statements hanging in the classroom are made from these extended content standards.  

-Each student's IEP goals are based upon the extended standards.  You will see these stated at the top of each goal page.

-Your student's grade cards will reflect that they are progressing towards grade level standards, which they are.  Each at their own pace.  For their individual progress you will refer to their IEP progress report which will come home with the regular grade card.  Use the grade card as a reference to what the same age peers are working on and what we are working towards. 

-The Alternate Assessment to the OAA given in third and fourth grades is directly based from these content standards. 

Example from the first grade Math Common Core Curriculum:

1.OA.1 Use addition and subtraction within 20 to solve word problems involving situations of adding to, taking from, putting together, taking apart and comparing with unknowns in all positions.
Extended Standards linked to the above (most to least complex)
OA.K2.1a Solve +/- word problems within 20, involving situations where one is 'adding to', 'taking from', 'putting together' and 'taking apart' using models or objects. 
OA.K2.1b Solve +/- word problems within 10involving situations where one is 'adding to', 'taking from', 'putting together' and 'taking apart' using models or objects. 

OA.K2.1c Solve +/- word problems within 5, involving situations where one is ‘adding to’ ‘taking from’ ‘putting together’ and ‘taking apart’  using models or objects. 

I have added a website to the links listed on this page that has amazing activities that follow the math common core.  You may choose whichever grade level, it will give you what standards that grade is working on and give you great games that are online to play to practice those standards.  This website is made by a different school district and therefore the pacing guides (what is reported on each quarter) may vary from ours.    https://smart.wikispaces.hcpss.org  

More and more information will be coming about this. Look for information at parent teacher conferences as well as with your student's grade card when they come home. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for the info - I will check it out ! Love the classroom pictures !

I love our TEAM!

I love our TEAM!
Mrs. Malone, Mrs. Weals, Mrs. Gueth, Mrs. Swain